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Royal Clarification: Akpata Campaign Council Clears the Air On Oba of Benin's 'Son of the Palace' Definition
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Royal Clarification: Akpata Campaign Council Clears the Air On Oba of Benin’s ‘Son of the Palace’ Definition

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In a recent statement, Tony Akeni Le Moin, spokesman for the Olu Akpata Campaign Council, shed light on an event at the Palace of the Oba of Benin that involved Labour Party Governorship candidate Olumide Akpata.

Media reports had previously suggested that His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba Ewuare II, disputed Akpata’s claim of being a “child of the Palace.” However, the Campaign Council has clarified that while the Oba recognized Akpata as an industrious son of Benin soil, he made a distinction between this acknowledgment and claiming biological ties to the Palace.

During a courtesy visit on June 15, 2024, by Barr. Olumide Osaigbovo Akpata and 2023 Presidential Candidate Mr. Peter Obi, a metaphor used by Akpata was addressed by the Monarch. The term “son of the Palace” was explained as a figure of speech representing pride in one’s heritage rather than literal lineage.

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Akpata humbly accepted this interpretation, demonstrating respect and loyalty to the Monarch and Benin’s cultural history. The Campaign Council emphasized that this moment should be celebrated for its cultural significance rather than politicized by opponents.

The statement concluded by affirming that any misinterpretations have been resolved and that with the Oba’s blessings and support from Edo people, Akpata’s campaign remains steadfast towards the Governorship election on September 21, 2024.

The rejoinder ends with a salute to Edo state and its Monarch, echoing the traditional chant “OBA GHAT’OKPE, ISE!” in affirmation of continued prosperity and unity.


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