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NTYTP National Secretary, Arc Bello Muhammed

Steering the Ship of Youth Leadership: Arc Bello Muhammed Resumes at NTYTP Secretariat

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At the bustling heart of Nigeria’s political landscape, the Not Too Young To Perform (NTYTP) has ushered in a new era of youthful vigor with Arc Bello Muhammed assuming the role of National Secretary at the international headquarters, Abuja.

The NTYTP, a beacon for young democrats and aspiring leaders, marked this pivotal moment on Tuesday at their Abuja headquarters.

In a lively exchange with journalists, Muhammed couldn’t hide his joy, stating, “I feel elated, propelled, and honestly, so honoured.” He views his new position at the NTYTP’s national secretariat as a rare and precious opportunity to guide the organization’s administrative course.

Confronted with the magnitude of his new role, Muhammed is undaunted, ready to tackle the sensitive and demanding tasks ahead. His goal is clear: to ensure the NTYTP’s vision and objectives are not just pursued but achieved.

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To the NTYTP members across Nigeria, he sends a rallying cry to stay focused and united, to preserve the spirit of togetherness, and to continue striving for the nation’s betterment.

He also called on those yet to register to do so swiftly, highlighting the importance of documentation and the perks of membership.

Muhammed extended a heartfelt invitation to the Nigerian youth still on the sidelines: “The time is now,” he urges, “join us, and be part of the NTYTP’s journey to lead the Nigerian youth’s exciting activities, both locally and globally.”

The NTYTP’s national secretariat, a hub for Nigeria’s energetic youth, is open at Suite 208B, 2nd Floor, MKK Plaza, Jabi District, Abuja, FCT.

With Arc Bello Muhammed at the helm, the NTYTP is set to sail towards new horizons of democratic engagement and leadership excellence.

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